2022 CASP recipients announced
Participants at Walgett Art Groups CASP workshop last year, facilitated by Georgina Burton.
An exciting number of creative and cultural projects will be popping up all over the Outback Arts region with the announcement of the successful recipients for the Country Arts Support Program (CASP) to be delivered throughout 2022.
$17,000 has been awarded to eight projects within the Outback Arts region to support community arts and cultural development. This funding program by Create NSW is well established and provides regional people access to a diverse range of cultural programs each year and brings local opportunities that may otherwise have not been available.
Outback Arts Executive Director Jamie-Lea Trindall said, “CASP is a significant investment by Outback Arts with support of Create NSW to provide funds directly to regional areas. It is a great initiative that allows regional communities and local people with an opportunity to create and realise their own arts and culture projects. Outback Arts are looking forward to seeing these projects develop over the coming year.”
The successful applicants are;
Warren Chamber Music Festival Education Week Warren Chamber Music Festival Incorporated ($3,000)
The 2022 Education Week program will create an immersive and inspiring environment for people living and working in rural NSW. It will provide at least 12 opportunities for music-making for community members of all ages.
Curious Visitors Descend on the Billboards Gulargambone Community Enterprises Co-operative Ltd ($2,000)
Building on Gulargambone’s extensive public art scene, soon three large double-sided Billboards will display six murals. These billboard-style murals will be further enhanced by integrated sculptural works. Curious visitors such as birds, reptiles or insects.
Resin Workshop The Marsh Collection ($2,000)
Rowie Hawley will deliver multiple resin workshops in her local community and surrounds. This will provide the opportunity for participants to learn what resin is, how to work with it and how to create their own unique resin platter.
Professional photography class and exhibition Burren Junction Parents & Citizens Association ($2,263)
Burren Junction Primary School (BJPS) P&C will deliver a professional photography workshop offered to all its students and an art exhibition displaying a photograph from each participant professionally printed on canvas. The 3hr workshop will be conducted at BJPS and the exhibition will be held at the BJ community hall.
Explore your creativity Brewarrina Shire Council ($1,500)
Council will provide an extension of their very successful 2021 Resin workshops. With such a great demand for this workshop, this extension will make the opportunity available for those who missed out last year. Participants will learn how to work with resin and take home 3 items of work. Workshops will take place in August at the Brewarrina Visitor Information Centre.
Art on the Bogan Lynette Quinton ($1,000)
Established painters Lyn Quinton and Lynn Hodge will deliver a guided Plein air painting workshop over two days, on the Bogan River. At least 12 participants will be provided with the required materials to develop their skills, with the outcome of completed artworks and an exhibition.
Night Watch Parliament - Bringing night birds into the light RiverSmart Australia Ltd (2,237)
Night Watch Parliament is a multisensory exhibition featuring the Barking, Powerful, Sooty, Masked and Grass owls which are all threatened species. The exhibition aims to raise awareness, educate and initiate action to preserve these magnificent raptors, by engaging the audience through art, sounds, film and workshops.
Sound and Stories Installation Cobar High School Parents and Careers Association ($3,000)
Cobar High School students will showcase their creativity and love of story-telling through documenting memories of the Cobar water tank, now know as Cobar Sound Chapel. Students will utilise the sound system in the Sound Chapel, intertwining music and the voices of local community members. Composer Elizabeth Jigalin will facilitate this process through a weeklong residency.